This is an easy one for me to answer because I have thought about this many times. Pride and Prejudice. I read it at a fairly young age, old enough to appreciate the story line but a bit young to really appreciate on a critical level the writing style, humour and intelligence of the author. And I have read it so many times since, that I could recite whole chunks of it verbatim!
I would love to be able to read this story with fresh adult eyes, and discover the witty wonder of this masterpiece for the first time.
I don't like Austen. I can't re-read as the first time was enough for me!
BTT: Second a first
Kill Word Verification
For me Pride and Prejudice got better and better and now it is an all time favorite.
ReplyDeleteAh Gautami Tripathy, speaking as a huge Austen fan, that is sad for you!!
ReplyDeleteNise, agree it just gets better, but would love to remember what my first reactions were - at that time I didn't realise what the book would come to mean to me.
I chose this one as well. Here is A Second First Time
ReplyDeleteI loved Pride and Prejudice -- great answer.
ReplyDeleteI wrote about Pride and Prejudice today, too!
ReplyDeleteI haven't read Pride and Prejudice, but I'm definitely going to!
ReplyDeleteHere is my BTT post.
Another vote for P&P. I have to agree!