Friday, August 28, 2009

Going to Goa!

I am going to India! Yay!!!! I have been wanting to go for so long, and now I have an opportunity. Unfortunately it is for work, not for pleasure, and so I can't bring AL with me. I think he is a little envious.

Our work is holding a retreat in Goa, and I am lucky enough to have been invited along. I heard it is the monsoon season over there right now, and I can't wait to see rain again. The forecast for all of next week is rain and thunderstorms!

Hopefully I have an opportunity to take some pictures, because it has been way too long since I had the camera out, and I really want to show you all some more scenes from this part of the world.

Now...what to pack...

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Countdown has begun

Well, actually for me, the countdown began a while ago. But in 19 days, the Dubai Metro will officially open! Yay!! There is a stop right outside my apartment, and one right outside the zone where I work, so commuting will become much easier. No hanging around for hours after work if AL has to work back or gets stuck in traffic - I can pop on home and have dinner waiting for him.

Also, weekends are going to be better, because we won't need to worry about finding a car park at our favourite end of town, and all the malls have a station next to them.

I am looking forward to being mobile again, and getting out and about to meet people without relying on cabs or kind friends to pick me up.

I am just hoping that the station near our apartment opens on time - not sure I can bear waiting another 6 months for my ticket to freedom!

Will have to add some pictures of the near complete stations soon!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, Its Off to Work We Go

It is incredible how quickly you settle back in to the daily grind of getting up, having a shower, swallowing some tea and breakfast (if you're good!) and walking out the door. Clocking in at work, making a tea while your computer switches on, then switching off almost everything personal about you while your eyes glaze over in the soft blue glare. Clocking out at 10 minutes past leaving time (if you're lucky) and heading home to a messy house that needs sweeping, but maybe tomorrow, falling into bed and dreaming about the day that was and the day that is to come.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Sorry I haven't posted lately...

I know, it has been ages since I posted anything. I feel really bad, but there has just been no time.

I have a new job, which is a relief at least on the financial side of things. But I miss my free time to read and write and browse other people's offerings.

Don't get me wrong, I read and write a lot at work, and I guess you could say I follow other people's offerings as well - their complaints and legal disputes and litigious bickering.

The Court Rules are certainly not as riveting as The 13th Tale, for example and writing letters to the other side, while often involving a little imagination, do not really spur the creative spirit.

Oh well.

By the way, I am writing this in my blogger tool in Gmail, so keen to see how it works. Its great because I don't have to wait for my blog to load to be able to give a quick update.

Anyway, hopefully some more updates shortly. Will have to make more of an effort to find interesting things to experience and blog about.