Monday, July 6, 2009

Book Club - The Island

We had our 4th bookclub meeting last night. Our book was "The Island" by Victoria Hislop. It is a novel about discovering family secrets, including the taint of leprosy and murder! I was dreading reading it - it just sounded like the worst kind of chic-lit, but I made the effort, and although it was a very light read, I quite enjoyed the plot of the book. The writing style was a bit amatuerish though, and could have done with a bit more editing I think.

Surprisingly most people in the group didn't really enjoy the book, even those that had been looking forward to it so much.

Today I read a book called "Even a Moron with a Dream" by Pathman Senathirajah, a network marketing guru from Malaysia. It is a book designed to inspire people to pursue their dreams, with a particular look at network marketing. He definitely has some interesting ideas, although I don't agree with some of the things he says. I did like his point about taking small steps every day towards your dream, just so that you get things moving, and prove to yourself and others that you are working for this goal and not just wishing out loud.

I am still trying to get through "Bliss" - it is not really doing it for me. I think my reward when I finish it will be to read "Vanity Fair".

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, interesting - I have a copy of The Island after it was recommended to me but haven't got round to reading. Glad it was enjoyable if amateurish - perhaps it won't be on the top of my TBR pile though!
