Thursday, July 23, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - Preferences

Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)

  • Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? Serious!
  • Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? Paperbacks.
  • Fiction? Or Nonfiction? More likely to read fiction
  • Poetry? Or Prose? Prose
  • Biographies? Or Autobiographies? Biographies
  • History? Or Historical Fiction? History
  • Series? Or Stand-alones? Usually stand-alones.
  • Classics? Or best-sellers? Classics.
  • Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? Lurid & fruity, as long as there is a purpose to it!
  • Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? Got to have a plot. Think Dickensian plots.
  • Long books? Or Short? Long.
  • Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? Either.
  • Borrowed? Or Owned? Owned.
  • New? Or Used? New if I can afford it.
Bet some of the regualrs could have guessed my responses!


  1. Yay lurid prose! :D I'm sure I've ever read something than can be described as lurid....

  2. @ Heidenkind - I took lurid and fruity to mean the sort of description that makes you feel the scene and not just understand the scene. I think a lot of literature uses that kind of prose.
    @ Gautami - yep, short answers are great! I flatter myself that I managed to keep it so simple!

    Heading over to see your responses now!

  3. I like your answers :) My blog is named "Well-Mannered Frivolity" - can you guess what my answer to number 1 was? Here's my BTT response:

    Booking Through Thursday: Preferences

  4. Thanks for visiting my blog! I love owned books too. Apart from being cheaper, you can get some great covers and they're a bit loved so it doesn't matter if they are a little bashed up.
