Thursday, June 4, 2009

Booking Through Thursday - 15 Sticky Books

This week's prompt: "This can be a quick one. Don’t take too long to think about it. Fifteen books you’ve read that will always stick with you. First fifteen you can recall in no more than 15 minutes.”

Okay, by now you have probably worked out that I am a bit of a stickler for the classics. It just seems to me that they have more "meat" to them, and therefore the characters, and the storylines stick to me more. I have however included some awesome books that are somewhat more recent, that I do believe will stick to me, and that I will definitely revisit (revisiting a book is, for me, the ultimate test of a book's worth). 

Here they are in no particular order:
  1. Pride and Prejudice 
  2. Harry Potter series 
  3. Lord Of the Rings 
  4. Great Expectations 
  5. Little Women
  6. Emma
  7. Shantaram
  8. The Book Thief
  9. The Moonstone
  10. Wild Swans
  11. Mao's Last Dancer
  12. Folk of the Faraway Tree
  13. Bleak House
  14. Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz
  15. The Wind in the Willows
In keeping with the theme of "Sticky", when I was younger, I used to love reading the Brownie books (I can't remember who wrote them). I used to make myself a huge bowl of popcorn, drizzle it with sticky honey, curl up in the bean bag with the latest Brownie book from the library, and read and munch and daydream to my heart's content. 


  1. I had P&P, Great Expectations and Little Women on my list too. I could have had Lord of the Rings, The Moonstone and Bleak House as well - my list could go on and on!

    My list is here.

  2. I love Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz!!

    My BTT is HERE

  3. I missed Book Thief and Wild Swans, even Wizard of Oz for that matter.

  4. I completely forgot Little Women, I love that book! Happy BTT!

  5. I wanted to add the HP series too, but then I haven't read them all yet! ;P

  6. The Faraway tree! How could I have forgotten those!

  7. Nice to see another one chosen LOTR :)

    as for Harry potter...not all the series made into my list.

  8. Oh you have listed so many books that I loved ♥
    Happy BTT!

  9. Pride and Prejudice and Emma could have been on mine, too! Wild Swans is a TBR. Great list!

  10. I had Pride & Prejudice and Mao's Last Dancer on my list and thought of The Wind in the Willows and Little Women after I had reached my 15 book limit.

    I could have easily made a list of 15 classics as well, but tried to include some children's books and recent titles that have really stuck with me.

    Including series is tricky too. I included Terry Pratchett's Colour of Magic, because it was his first Discworld book, but it probably isn't the one that I would recommend people start with if they haven't read any Pratchett before.

    So many great books out there. Checking out all the BTT posts this week is sure to expand my TBR list once again.

  11. We have a couple in common. Loved The Book Thief.

  12. Great list. I almost included "The Wind in the Willows" on mine, too. It was really hard to limit myself to just fifteen books - I could have gone on and on!

  13. How could I have forgotten The Faraway Tree. But I'd be scared to go back to it now because I don't think it would live up to my expectations. Jane Austen and Wilkie Collins missed my list, largely because it was just too difficult to pick one book.

  14. I totally forgot about The Book Thief -- great answer!

  15. great list. book thief, austen- gotta love it. i haven't heard of all of them but i love these lists because you get to see everyone's favorites. :-)

  16. what a great list! here is mine:

  17. Great list - I almost added Mao's Last Dancer to mine. Bleak House and The Book Thief are near the top of the tbr pile!

  18. I can't believe I forgot Harry Potter!!! Here's mine

  19. I'm currently reading Emma and I would have to say that it's my least favorite Austen book. I'll be glad to finish and move on to Northanger Abbey.

  20. I had The Book Thief as well. This was a fun BTT!

  21. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Click, clack, moo is a great picture book and very funny.

  22. I forgot about P. and P. on my list. I tried Bleak House once but couldn't stay the course!Poor concentration on my part probably!

  23. I read Wind In The Willows not too terribly long ago and loved it.

    And how can you not like Harry Potter and LOTR?

    Mine are here.


  24. I have to finish the HP series and I forgot Lord of the Rings - loved those and P&P.

  25. I made mine adult books only. Was scared it would be an Enid Blyton overload otherwise! I absolutely loved Book Thief, and Jo was one of my favorite fictional characters while growing up.

    Great list :)

  26. Hooray for Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz! That's an awesome pick. My mom gave me her copy of the book from the 1950's a few years ago and I love it.

  27. When I had to read GREAT EXPECTATIONS in high school, I hated it. But I re-read it a couple of years ago and really enjoyed it. But I just couldn't get into LITTLE WOMEN.

  28. Little Women would definitely be on my list. The Book Thief is on my nighstand, crying out to be read!

  29. The Moonstone is another favorite of mine but it did not make my list. So hard to narrow the list to just 15! Happy reading!

  30. Little women and the Book Thief are good ones. Forgot about those one. My post is up


  31. Oh! I love Prie and Predjudice, Lord of the Rings (although I seen the movie and not all the books *grin*), Little Women, Dorthy and the Wizard Oz...

    You've listed some great book. Thanks for visiting my blog and posting. Sorry thisis belated comments :)

  32. I loved The Wizard of Oz & Lord of the Rings Trilogy. My reading choices are eclectic.
    For classics, here's some faves or ones I enjoyed discussing that I recall off the top of my head:
    Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky
    Anna Karinina by Tolstoy
    Picture of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde
    Good Earth by Pearl Buck
    To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
    Cold Sassy Tree
    Stone Diaries by Carole Shields
    Angle of Repose by Wallace Stegner
