Sunday, May 10, 2009

How to Catch a Cab in Dubai

There are some things I love about Dubai...and there are things I hate. One of the things I hate is trying to get to church when AL has to work late, and I have to get a cab. For some reason cab drivers do not like to take the shortest route to the church (well ok, there is a reason...more money) and try to argue with me about the amount of traffic they will encounter going the back way. The driver tonight tried to tell me he didn't know the back way. Luckily after a few such attempts in the past, I have rehearsed what I do in these situations. So, here is how to catch a cab in Dubai. 

  1. Flag the cab down. This is not difficult, there are cab drivers everywhere in this city (except outside the church when I need to get home, but that is another story). 
  2. Do not get into the cab. Open the back door, say hello nicely but firmly, and ask whether they will take you to the place you want to go, and the route you want to go (if applicable). 
  3. If they say yes, get in. If they um and ah, suggest that if they don't know how to get there, you will give them directions. At this point they will begrudginly accept - after all a fare is a fare, right, and you have made it clear it is your way or the highway (but the highway without you as a fare ha ha)
  4. If they have previously suggested they don't know any back way, you must proceed to give detailed instructions...all the way. Even though it is clear they know how to get there. 
  5. Arrive safely at your destination, despite the sighs, tongue clickings and other indicators of annoyance from the driver. 
  6. Pay the fare and walk away, feeling satisfied that for once, you got your way!
I did this tonight, and had a good, albeit silent chuckle every time I issued a direction, as I am positive the guy knew the back way to the church, but he had said he didn't so he had to play along. 

I am now in control of my destination, and the journey too!

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